Unlocking Authenticity: Healing Through Vulnerability and Transformation with Carolyn Ozuna


Episode Summary

In this episode of The Secret Keepers, the host introduces Carolyn Ozuna, a renowned healer and mentor. Carolyn shares her journey of healing and transformation, discussing the profound impact of holding onto secrets and the importance of authenticity. The conversation delves into how secrets, especially painful ones, can trap individuals in cycles of emotional and physical turmoil. Carolyn emphasizes the significance of embracing one's true self by releasing secrets and breaking free from societal expectations.

The discussion also touches on the concept of "soul liberation," which Carolyn describes as freeing one's spirit by aligning actions with inner truths. The episode highlights the transformative power of vulnerability, authenticity, and the importance of surrounding oneself with trustworthy individuals who support personal growth. Carolyn offers insights into her healing practices and encourages listeners to slow down, listen to their hearts, and embrace the whispers of their souls for true liberation and fulfillment.

Carolyn Ozuna (Coach, Mentor, and Guide) Carolyn Ozuna is energy work personified. Where outsiders might see a coach, those who work with Carolyn, get that she’s much, much more. She is a powerful energy healer with a passion for moving people through their deepest pains and into new possibilities and healings. She has an intuitive ability to locate, isolate and move through the pain, limiting beliefs or blocks holding her clients back from the life of their dreams. She’s worked, partnered and trained with top healers and coaches from all over the world, such as Joseph McClendon III,  Dr John Amaral, Master Stephen Co, and Dr Jason Ozuna. 

 Carolyn has helped thousands of people around the world create massive transformation in their life through her lessons and visualizations. Her videos have been viewed by millions of people around the world. She has helped people start and grow their own business, meet their soulmates, heal physical issues. Whatever it is you are seeking, only come to this woman if you are ready for life changing results! She has hosted 100 plus in person sold out events all over the country and over 6000 online training sessions! She has been featured in USA news (https://usanews.com/business/How_Carolyn_Ozuna_is_Changing_and_Healing_Peoples_Lives) as an influencer on the rise, Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast (https://www.eofire.com/podcast/carolynrim/) and also featured in FOX News.  

 Carolyn Ozuna founded and owns Spark Your Rockstar LLC which is a healing community of thousands of people committed to healing their lineage and creating a more peaceful, compassionate loving world and making their own dreams come true in the process. She coaches people to support them in seeing beyond what's possible! Now, She is ready to help you! Prepare to be lifted out of your seat with this energy!  You can check more of Carolyn out here ---https://go.sparkyourrockstar.com/schedule-1

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  • https://go.sparkyourrockstar.com/schedule-1





00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:07.000 Hello, and welcome to the secret keepers. 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:11.000 Today. My guest is Carolyn Ozuna. 00:00:11.000 --> 00:00:14.000 And Carolyn is 00:00:14.000 --> 00:00:25.000 An amazing, amazing healer that I have been blessed to come across and to spend time with, and to now call one of my mentors. 00:00:25.000 --> 00:00:29.000 And I am gonna let Carolyn take the floor and let her tell you. 00:00:29.000 --> 00:00:32.000 All of her awesomeness. 00:00:32.000 --> 00:00:39.000 Oh, my goodness! Right away! Well, 1st let me say thank you for. 00:00:39.000 --> 00:00:54.000 Allowing me to be on this podcast because I know this just isn't a podcast this is like a broadcast of your spirit and your soul, and you're just so loving, and you care about people so much. And so it's so nice to see you share your heart with the world. 00:00:54.000 --> 00:00:57.000 And with those that you love, those new and those old. 00:00:57.000 --> 00:01:03.000 And so it's an honor to be here. I've been healing people for the past 10 years. 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:09.000 And I've held hundreds of events all over the world. I've worked with some of the top. 00:01:09.000 --> 00:01:23.000 Healers and gurus in the industry, you know. Celebrities, you know. I partnered with people who've worked on, you know, Gwen Netflix specials. And so it's an honor to be here and share some of the healing work. 00:01:23.000 --> 00:01:26.000 You know that I do with your community. 00:01:26.000 --> 00:01:28.000 So thank you for having me here. 00:01:28.000 --> 00:01:31.000 Thank you. Thank you for being here. 00:01:31.000 --> 00:01:34.000 Tell me Carolyn 00:01:34.000 --> 00:01:44.000 You know we're talking about secrets, and how they can affect us in a physical, emotional way, you know. Is there something that comes to mind for you that. 00:01:44.000 --> 00:01:50.000 That maybe you held within your body that caused, you know, some sort of issue for you. 00:01:50.000 --> 00:01:55.000 Well, I think that the secrets can. 00:01:55.000 --> 00:01:58.000 Cause a lot of damage in the nervous system. 00:01:58.000 --> 00:02:09.000 Especially when you're hiding, or you feel unsafe to be heard, or you feel like you can't come out. And that's why a lot of children. They have a hard time speaking up and speaking out. 00:02:09.000 --> 00:02:20.000 And they feel like just holding the secret. But when we do that, when we hold the secrets, especially if it's a painful one, it's like locking the pain inside of you, and then that pain becomes your prison over time. 00:02:20.000 --> 00:02:26.000 And so the only secret that I can think of that that's been in my life is. 00:02:26.000 --> 00:02:31.000 You know, I think about gosh, I guess about 10 years ago now, just. 00:02:31.000 --> 00:02:40.000 You know, I was in a relationship, and I really loved this person, but I wasn't in love with them, and I was staying with them, because I was afraid to be alone. 00:02:40.000 --> 00:02:50.000 And I was causing pain to myself, pain to him by staying in a relationship that I knew I wasn't meant for. So you could say I had a secret that. 00:02:50.000 --> 00:02:57.000 You know I was. I loved this person, but I wasn't in love with them anymore. And I think a lot of times what we do. We don't realize we do this, but we. 00:02:57.000 --> 00:02:59.000 We settle. 00:02:59.000 --> 00:03:02.000 And we kind of. 00:03:02.000 --> 00:03:04.000 Are freed. 00:03:04.000 --> 00:03:05.000 To. 00:03:05.000 --> 00:03:07.000 See what's behind that door of the unknown. 00:03:07.000 --> 00:03:10.000 And so we'll stay in known hells. 00:03:10.000 --> 00:03:18.000 And because we're just so afraid of what's behind the door, we push away. 00:03:18.000 --> 00:03:19.000 Unknown heavens. 00:03:19.000 --> 00:03:43.000 Unknowingly. And so when you share these secrets, when I finally came out, it was so painful to say, I don't want to be with you. I'm sorry I can't be with you anymore. We've tried it. There's just it's like trying to glue a shattered glass bottle back together, and I'm just tired. There's just too much pain here now. That doesn't mean I don't think all relationships can work. Jason, my husband, now, who I. 00:03:43.000 --> 00:03:54.000 Meant, and a week after I met him he proposed me. And that comes, if you want to say, comes from sharing secrets. I think it comes from being the most authentic version of yourself. 00:03:54.000 --> 00:04:02.000 And and so, you know, you can say it. However you want, because someone might not relate to. Well, I don't have any secrets. Well. 00:04:02.000 --> 00:04:07.000 Everyone has these 2 fears as a human being that we're not enough, and we won't be loved. 00:04:07.000 --> 00:04:14.000 And so I think the ability to be the most authentic version of yourself. 00:04:14.000 --> 00:04:20.000 Is unleashing. All your secrets like this is who I am. Love me or hate me. It'll have very little to do with me, but. 00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:23.000 This is authentically my spirit, my soul. 00:04:23.000 --> 00:04:30.000 Who I am. And you said, you really like these podcasts to be real and raw. And I think that you like that because it's rare. 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:32.000 It's it's rare that. 00:04:32.000 --> 00:04:38.000 People show up because this world has kind of been conditioned to people. Please. 00:04:38.000 --> 00:04:55.000 Overindulged to do, to say yes when we mean no to say no, when we mean yes. And so we're kind of breaking free of this cultural mold of one what's possible for you and your business and your finances? But 2. What's possible in your relationships and your health? Because. 00:04:55.000 --> 00:05:19.000 You might have chosen. I chose my ex-husband at a time when I was a completely different version, and so either when 2 souls meet, and they have complementary wounds. They could either grow together, or they can be 2 passing ships, and their values no longer aligned. The love of my life. 00:05:19.000 --> 00:05:21.000 And so I think that's a. 00:05:21.000 --> 00:05:28.000 You know, the more authentic you can become because they did this study. It's called the Spain. Study SPAN. E. 00:05:28.000 --> 00:05:40.000 And it was a study on vibrations about what is the most powerful frequency that you can release from the human body. And everyone was like, oh, it's going to be. Love's the most powerful force in the universe. But it actually wasn't love. 00:05:40.000 --> 00:05:42.000 It was authenticity. 00:05:42.000 --> 00:05:45.000 It's actually 4. It was 4,000 times. 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:50.000 More powerful than love. Now, what is authenticity? Authenticity is. 00:05:50.000 --> 00:05:54.000 Saying what you believe, and believing what you're saying. 00:05:54.000 --> 00:06:01.000 That's all it is. It's you're you're acting in accordance with your truth. 00:06:01.000 --> 00:06:02.000 Yeah. 00:06:02.000 --> 00:06:03.000 That's it. It's just that simple. 00:06:03.000 --> 00:06:07.000 And so yes, I believe that sharing secrets can be really life changing. 00:06:07.000 --> 00:06:11.000 Yeah, absolutely. And I like, I think back to. 00:06:11.000 --> 00:06:20.000 You know, for me, and and really the the force behind this is as the hider in my family, and all of the things going on. 00:06:20.000 --> 00:06:21.000 In. 00:06:21.000 --> 00:06:23.000 Our home. 00:06:23.000 --> 00:06:30.000 You know, you just didn't talk about those things, and that was what was presented. It's like you, don't. We? Don't talk about that. 00:06:30.000 --> 00:06:33.000 That what happens in this house stays in this house. 00:06:33.000 --> 00:06:37.000 And things were swept under the carpets. If you will. 00:06:37.000 --> 00:06:38.000 And then. 00:06:38.000 --> 00:06:41.000 That got housed within my body. 00:06:41.000 --> 00:06:46.000 And I was taught certain things. You know, that. 00:06:46.000 --> 00:06:51.000 As a woman, you know you're to be barefoot and pregnant, right? You know that whole barefoot and pregnant thing. 00:06:51.000 --> 00:06:54.000 And really learning to. 00:06:54.000 --> 00:07:09.000 To be good, and I use that in air quotes in because it was like, I learned to be a good student, because if I was a good student. I got praised and that kind of led me on this lifelong student journey. 00:07:09.000 --> 00:07:16.000 You know, and Friday, you know, just being afraid to step out of the dark out of the hiding and use my my authentic voice. 00:07:16.000 --> 00:07:33.000 And you know, sometimes, my authentic voice. It's it sounds a little bit like a sailor, you know, and sometimes because if I'm super passionate about something, and I'm trying to emphasize something. It can come out. It can come out a little different. So I, too, am learning to bring that out and say. 00:07:33.000 --> 00:07:43.000 You know what? Here's what really matters in this world and in this space, and that is being authentic. And in what matters really to me in my heart and. 00:07:43.000 --> 00:07:45.000 I can honestly say. 00:07:45.000 --> 00:07:58.000 It's people you know anything living because I'm I'm a general, you know, a genuine nurture of anything living, whether it's an animal, it's the earth. It's a human. 00:07:58.000 --> 00:08:06.000 I can, or I genuinely care, and some people can call that kind of pie in the sky. And but as I. 00:08:06.000 --> 00:08:08.000 Have allowed that to release. 00:08:08.000 --> 00:08:11.000 I know, at your liberation. It was kind of like. 00:08:11.000 --> 00:08:16.000 I still had a hard time. I had a hard time allowing myself to receive. 00:08:16.000 --> 00:08:31.000 I love to give. I'm a give, or give, or give, or give, and learning to be able to receive energetically from someone else has been a huge growth process for me, and I'm very thankful for your presence. 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:42.000 And being able to attend your soul liberation, because that for me it set me into that, you know, like that was a huge awakening for me was like, Oh. 00:08:42.000 --> 00:08:56.000 Well, because I was taught that right that women are to be selfless, right? You know you're the mom. You should be giving everything you have to your children and to your husband, and you know well, too bad if you're spent at the end of the day. But I knew that that wasn't the right. 00:08:56.000 --> 00:08:57.000 Route for me. 00:08:57.000 --> 00:08:59.000 And. 00:08:59.000 --> 00:09:01.000 You help release some of that. 00:09:01.000 --> 00:09:11.000 And I'm still obviously a work in progress as a human being. That's the evolution of it. That's why I'm here is to experience all the things and 00:09:11.000 --> 00:09:17.000 Yeah, you're I would love for you. Just like to maybe walk us through a little bit of a sole liberation. What does that look like? 00:09:17.000 --> 00:09:19.000 Sure, absolutely. 00:09:19.000 --> 00:09:25.000 And I'll give everyone on here a little taste of soul liberation energetically. Because I know that you guys are listening to this. 00:09:25.000 --> 00:09:35.000 Not just to listen it. Don't let it just be another video or another podcast, where you just listen. And then you go about your day. Let it impact you. Let it affect how you show up in your relationships, in your business. 00:09:35.000 --> 00:09:54.000 You know your your health, and because every decision that you are making right now is literally having a consequence, you know a good or a bad one, depending on what you judge. But everything in your world is based on the decisions that you are making right now. And so what a celebration means. 00:09:54.000 --> 00:10:18.000 I think it's like freedom for your soul. It's like, if your soul could take a deep breath in, that's a sole liberation, would feel like your spirit being awakened, as you said, in your body. That's what it's like. It's like, where have I been all this time? Well, I've been covered up underneath the cultural belief that women are to be seen, not heard. This secret. 00:10:18.000 --> 00:10:20.000 Or I will be. 00:10:20.000 --> 00:10:36.000 Made fun of, or they'll say I'm lying, or or whatever the past things that we perceive or hey, if I share this, I had one man share a secret that he was raped when he was a kid, and you know, and so I share these things because. 00:10:36.000 --> 00:10:38.000 This is healing. 00:10:38.000 --> 00:10:40.000 For our generation, and and. 00:10:40.000 --> 00:10:42.000 And so many. 00:10:42.000 --> 00:10:44.000 Of us. 00:10:44.000 --> 00:10:45.000 Think, that. 00:10:45.000 --> 00:10:49.000 It's just us who experienced it. And that belief. 00:10:49.000 --> 00:10:54.000 It's like a prison. It's like a wall that separates us from humanity. 00:10:54.000 --> 00:11:00.000 But I'm here to tell you, my dear friends, I've spoken to thousands of people one-on-one for the past. 00:11:00.000 --> 00:11:10.000 Gosh! 11 years now. And and the thing that I see the most is these patterns in people, and that people have been through a lot. And I mean, you know. 00:11:10.000 --> 00:11:15.000 Humanity is a lot of making up to do for what is going on behind closed doors, and so. 00:11:15.000 --> 00:11:24.000 What you're doing is like shining a light. It's like you're a street lamp in a dark, you know, in a dark alleyway that needs to be lit up. 00:11:24.000 --> 00:11:47.000 And so our ability to be able to say, Okay, what is a celebration? And I don't know if I believe in the woo spiritual work, or the meditation, or all this stuff. Well, you don't have to believe in it. It's science, your energy right, and anybody can feel it. I mean even anybody listening. You rub your hands together just I mean a simple thing. You just rub. This is literally just a little exercise to show you you feel that heat in between your hands. 00:11:47.000 --> 00:11:56.000 And then you just do it. I mean, I can feel it right away. Some of you might not be able to feel it, but you feel that energy in between your hands. That's energy. 00:11:56.000 --> 00:12:20.000 There's energy around your body. And so we all have this field of energy, and we all carry things, especially secrets. And and so when you come to a sole liberation. What we're helping you do is not just regulate your nervous system and get out of fight or flight and get out of freeze. But we're helping you upgrade your nervous system to be able to receive the success. 00:12:20.000 --> 00:12:34.000 To be able to have the passionate relationship, to be able to speak up for what you want without being worried about being punished. It's like ending self-punch. And and we face this one belief that if I'm the cause I can be the cure. 00:12:34.000 --> 00:12:36.000 Now, a lot of people. 00:12:36.000 --> 00:12:47.000 It's a very controversial statement. If I'm the cause, I'm the cure, because right now in our culture the pendulum has swing into a little. It's okay. But there's a little bit of a victimization here. 00:12:47.000 --> 00:12:50.000 Victimization can be very powerful. 00:12:50.000 --> 00:12:52.000 When it's transformed. 00:12:52.000 --> 00:12:59.000 So the biggest victims can actually be the biggest gift bringers. Once that energy is transformed. 00:12:59.000 --> 00:13:08.000 But our culture right now is like, well, you know, I want to blame my parents. I wanna blame these people. You know what happened to me, one of us in my fault. Well, I'm not saying it was your fault. 00:13:08.000 --> 00:13:19.000 And but what I am saying is that you can blame if you're gonna blame him for the bad. Make sure you blame him, for how strong you are, how much empathy you have, how much compassion you have. 00:13:19.000 --> 00:13:23.000 And I'll never tell anyone just to forgive blindly, because I know that. 00:13:23.000 --> 00:13:43.000 There's a lot of you know. There might be anger. There might be feelings you need to feel, but I can tell you right now that if death came to you and said, you know you only have one week to live. If if you change nothing, that's how you know you're enlightened, truly conscious, and enlan. But if you have things that you would change, then you've got work to do. 00:13:43.000 --> 00:14:07.000 If you've got relationships, you want to clean up. If you still feel like you're not good enough. If you still feel like you're self and started to expand your heart and put yourself in you're leaning into uncomfortability with this shining. Your light is not easy. You know, especially when there are people who want to squash that light out there. But you continue to shine anyway. 00:14:07.000 --> 00:14:12.000 Celebration, we liberate those by shining our light. 00:14:12.000 --> 00:14:14.000 And then your, and then we're free. 00:14:14.000 --> 00:14:15.000 In here. 00:14:15.000 --> 00:14:16.000 And that's what freedom for the soul means. It means. 00:14:16.000 --> 00:14:20.000 To be authentically you to actually feel safe enough. 00:14:20.000 --> 00:14:22.000 To feel resourced enough. 00:14:22.000 --> 00:14:26.000 To finally let the things go that you've been carrying the old beliefs. 00:14:26.000 --> 00:14:38.000 The old stories about your finances, about what's possible, the old stories about your relationships, and who you're bringing in the same fights and the drama and the trauma. Well, guess what once you start to face it. 00:14:38.000 --> 00:14:48.000 There's not that much drama and trauma anymore, because you made a conscious decision. I'm no longer going to learn through pain and trauma. I learn through ease and grace. 00:14:48.000 --> 00:14:57.000 Then, through this series of new beliefs, these new thoughts, they spring. They open up these areas for you to feel safe enough. 00:14:57.000 --> 00:15:01.000 To move into it where you're like. Oh, I can receive this. 00:15:01.000 --> 00:15:02.000 Good. 00:15:02.000 --> 00:15:06.000 Because not many people understand how afraid they are of success. I just had a client this morning. She's like. 00:15:06.000 --> 00:15:07.000 You know. 00:15:07.000 --> 00:15:09.000 I wanted success. 00:15:09.000 --> 00:15:33.000 And I thought that if I got the success and I made this amount of money that the stress would go away. And she's like. And now I've made that amount of money, and the stress is still there. I'm like, exactly. It's not your outside things that are happening to you that are causing the energy. This is just energy that needs to be processed and released. And so that's what we do with these events. How do you create your future? 00:15:33.000 --> 00:15:42.000 Jody Spencer talks about. This is the way you do manifestation on fire. If you really want to know how to become a reality, architect, and build the life your dreams. This is it. 00:15:42.000 --> 00:15:45.000 Your thoughts and your feelings, create your state of being. 00:15:45.000 --> 00:16:11.000 Your state of being creates your personality, your personality creates your personal reality. So if you want to change your reality, you have to change your personality. You have to change your identity. You have to change the things that you're doing daily. And to do that, one of the most effective ways, I would say, is to your secrets, and I'm sure you saw that it's the liberation. 00:16:11.000 --> 00:16:12.000 Yeah. 00:16:12.000 --> 00:16:13.000 You know my uncle did this to me. My father did this. My mother. 00:16:13.000 --> 00:16:18.000 Put me out in the and secrets are being shared, and something happens. 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:22.000 When people share their secrets. It's a. 00:16:22.000 --> 00:16:24.000 It's a humanity. 00:16:24.000 --> 00:16:27.000 I'm not alone. 00:16:27.000 --> 00:16:29.000 I. 00:16:29.000 --> 00:16:30.000 Hello, Mark! 00:16:30.000 --> 00:16:34.000 Right? Yeah? And just do that. Yeah, in a in a safe space. Right? Because this is right, you create a container. 00:16:34.000 --> 00:16:35.000 Yeah. 00:16:35.000 --> 00:16:45.000 Where this vulnerability takes place. 00:16:45.000 --> 00:16:46.000 Oh, gosh! Though. 00:16:46.000 --> 00:16:47.000 You know, and that I I think it's really key, right? We're not saying, you know it's and tell everybody and their brother your deepest secrets. 00:16:47.000 --> 00:16:48.000 We need to get with somebody that. 00:16:48.000 --> 00:16:54.000 You know, in that contain that safe container, or with that person that we know that we can trust. 00:16:54.000 --> 00:16:55.000 Yeah. 00:16:55.000 --> 00:17:03.000 We, you know, to to who has already walked that road. That's why a code to mentor is important, because. 00:17:03.000 --> 00:17:08.000 You know, we wanna make sure that what we're opening up ourselves up to. 00:17:08.000 --> 00:17:15.000 It's not going to be weaponized against us, you know, when we take these secrets, because. 00:17:15.000 --> 00:17:22.000 That that's important, right? We've taken all of this information and and shared it. Now. 00:17:22.000 --> 00:17:28.000 If it's shared with the wrong person it could be, it could be weaponized and 00:17:28.000 --> 00:17:33.000 And that's not the point. And also, you know, like, I'm a big believer. 00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:34.000 Yeah. 00:17:34.000 --> 00:17:35.000 Well, I wanna touch on that, though, because you you know. 00:17:35.000 --> 00:17:41.000 You want to find people in your life that want to learn your past, not to hurt you, but to know how to love. 00:17:41.000 --> 00:17:42.000 Yeah. 00:17:42.000 --> 00:17:55.000 And if it's a breach of you, share something with someone, and later on they bring up that in a time of trauma, or in a time, you know. Will you always do this, or you never did this or see you? You told me this earlier. 00:17:55.000 --> 00:18:00.000 That's not why I told you that it wasn't to tell you so. You could have ammunition for this fight later on. 00:18:00.000 --> 00:18:01.000 Yes. 00:18:01.000 --> 00:18:02.000 I told you that in a state of vulnerability. 00:18:02.000 --> 00:18:03.000 Yes. 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:05.000 So and so. 00:18:05.000 --> 00:18:07.000 I would say that we. 00:18:07.000 --> 00:18:10.000 You gotta find somebody who wants to learn your past to learn. 00:18:10.000 --> 00:18:12.000 How to love you. 00:18:12.000 --> 00:18:13.000 Yeah. 00:18:13.000 --> 00:18:20.000 Not to hurt you, and you got to know the difference. And sometimes you're gonna have to find out the hard way. But most of the time. 00:18:20.000 --> 00:18:29.000 We attract people into the light, into our life. 00:18:29.000 --> 00:18:30.000 15. 00:18:30.000 --> 00:18:31.000 Our toxicity we have in our body or not. And so we're attracting people. 00:18:31.000 --> 00:18:33.000 The same level of us that. 00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:38.000 And and and you can tell when you found a healer or coach, or a mentor that's not going to give into your. 00:18:38.000 --> 00:18:48.000 Your drama that's not gonna create these types of stories or victimization. They're focused on, you know, because a lot of times what I see is. 00:18:48.000 --> 00:19:16.000 You know, because there's a victimization, because there's a trauma bond there. Then you make the healer, the coach, the monster. Well, they gave me this feedback. That's not who I am. This is who I am, and I'll never forget I had someone in my life. Tell me I love you so much that I'll play the monster in your story. And I didn't. I literally didn't understand that until later, when I realized how victimized I was being, she would say, Hey, there's really a part of you that doesn't love yourself, and I would be like no, there's not. 00:19:16.000 --> 00:19:17.000 Yeah. 00:19:17.000 --> 00:19:27.000 I love myself. Who are you to tell me about me? But it was literally like me, inside of a jar, and trying to read the label from the outside. I can't see it, and everybody listening to this has blind spots. 00:19:27.000 --> 00:19:28.000 Excellent. 00:19:28.000 --> 00:19:30.000 So that's why, if you have somebody that can. 00:19:30.000 --> 00:19:49.000 Show you your blind spots, know what you've been through, and say, Oh, man, I understand what you've been through like, oh, you've went through this. Okay, I get it. And some people say, Well, what if I don't have anything to heal? What if I'm happy with everything in my life? Well, I would say that a flower only starts to wilt when it stops growing. 00:19:49.000 --> 00:20:11.000 And so you've kind of conditioned yourself to only see through this, you know rose glasses, but that's okay. But you're only seeing one side. It would be like me just saying, You know. Hey, look! You can only see this little thing right here, you you it's like the dimensions right? But you don't see all of this. You're only seeing right here. It's like a fish. 00:20:11.000 --> 00:20:28.000 In a pond. The fish only thinks that there's the pond. It doesn't know that a world outside of it exists, and so the more we zoom out, the more conscious we become. We can start to look and not take this feedback as a way to weaponize it against ourselves. 00:20:28.000 --> 00:20:29.000 Right. 00:20:29.000 --> 00:20:46.000 Because we've taken feedback, and then beat ourselves up and judge ourselves and say, Oh, my God! This is who I am, but it's not. We all have a part of us that's selfish. We all have a part of us that is guilty as times or this at times judges at times. And so if we know we have these parts, then we don't have to demonize these parts of us, and we can. 00:20:46.000 --> 00:20:56.000 Live in a more polar place, and then we can also let others in. We can see others, and we stop judging others so much too. We let not only ourselves off the hook, but others off the hook. 00:20:56.000 --> 00:20:58.000 Yeah, for sure. And I. 00:20:58.000 --> 00:21:04.000 Yeah. As you were talking it. It made me think about the word discernment, right? Because as we move through life. 00:21:04.000 --> 00:21:07.000 And part of the evolution of our soul. 00:21:07.000 --> 00:21:12.000 Is to experience things on many different levels. And I think about 00:21:12.000 --> 00:21:15.000 You know just that idea of. 00:21:15.000 --> 00:21:21.000 You know. Maybe I don't see it the way you see it. But could I slip it on and walk around in it for a while like a coat and. 00:21:21.000 --> 00:21:37.000 You know, I'm gonna try this on for size, and maybe after I got it on for a little while it it doesn't. It still doesn't feel quite right for me, you know, and gone into the store, and you put the code on. And you're like, Yeah, I kinda like it. But then I walked around and I didn't like it, so I took it off and I put it back on the quote rack. 00:21:37.000 --> 00:21:39.000 You know. Well, great, you know. 00:21:39.000 --> 00:21:42.000 There, there! You don't have to. 00:21:42.000 --> 00:21:48.000 You know, see things from other people's perspectives. If that's the choice you want to make. 00:21:48.000 --> 00:21:53.000 But I found that in having that ability to be more discerning to see things. 00:21:53.000 --> 00:21:58.000 More, you know, in in that broad thing, to see the whole pen, and not just the end of it. 00:21:58.000 --> 00:21:59.000 You know it. 00:21:59.000 --> 00:22:07.000 Try just trying it on, you know. Sometimes no things feel icky and crunchy, and I'm gonna take it back off. I'm gonna at the you know, not buying this one. 00:22:07.000 --> 00:22:10.000 But just to have that opportunity. 00:22:10.000 --> 00:22:14.000 To see it. We were just in Canada, and there were forest fires. 00:22:14.000 --> 00:22:22.000 We were out kayaking, and we we got 1st hand view of what this forest fire. 00:22:22.000 --> 00:22:33.000 Was doing. It was like it started, and it was small, and you could see the flames. And then all of a sudden, it was. It was big and in helicopters and airplanes are coming in, and they're dropping water and. 00:22:33.000 --> 00:22:35.000 We used to hear about forest fires. 00:22:35.000 --> 00:22:37.000 On the news and think. 00:22:37.000 --> 00:22:42.000 You know, if okay, you know it's a forest fire. And oh, my goodness, right. 00:22:42.000 --> 00:22:44.000 But to see it. 00:22:44.000 --> 00:23:03.000 Huge perspective to see how quickly it spreads. All the people that it takes to to try to, you know, kick it back. And it really opened up our eyes to a forest fire. But there was that huge perspective, and had we just been like, oh, well, it's no big deal whatever you know, and and not been willing to see. 00:23:03.000 --> 00:23:05.000 Wow! You know, like this is. 00:23:05.000 --> 00:23:17.000 This is really a big deal. And yeah, I I love being able to look at things from all the angles. I don't know if it's just the way my mind thinks, or if it's just all the things I've been exposed to in life. 00:23:17.000 --> 00:23:20.000 But having that opportunity. 00:23:20.000 --> 00:23:22.000 That's why I love things. 00:23:22.000 --> 00:23:28.000 Like to present. I want to bring to this audience all the different ways and possibilities. 00:23:28.000 --> 00:23:29.000 To heal. 00:23:29.000 --> 00:23:32.000 And so it's like, you know, bringing the way you. 00:23:32.000 --> 00:23:36.000 You bring healing to the world. 00:23:36.000 --> 00:23:41.000 And it's gonna look different than you know. Someone else. 00:23:41.000 --> 00:23:49.000 I I love the fact that you bring you were talking about identity in, in being able to shift that identity and with the emotions, and it's a large. 00:23:49.000 --> 00:23:50.000 Large. 00:23:50.000 --> 00:23:56.000 Portion of what I do with neuro encoding and with Joseph Mcclendon's work, and being able to. 00:23:56.000 --> 00:24:04.000 Guide someone into a whole new reality for themselves, is such a beautiful gift. 00:24:04.000 --> 00:24:05.000 I just. 00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:18.000 You know they're like, Oh, you know, you did this. I did nothing but guide you. I'm here to help you see the blind spots. I'm here to help you to that next level. But I did nothing. You did the work, and I and I love that 00:24:18.000 --> 00:24:23.000 But anyways, I I know that you yourself have gone through a transformation process. 00:24:23.000 --> 00:24:27.000 So can you just tell the audience what was your first.st 00:24:27.000 --> 00:24:28.000 Step. 00:24:28.000 --> 00:24:32.000 What was your 1st thing that you did that started you on that. 00:24:32.000 --> 00:24:54.000 Healing transformation process. 00:24:54.000 --> 00:24:55.000 Yeah. 00:24:55.000 --> 00:24:56.000 Sure, absolutely. And I'll tell you this, the person with the most perspectives wins because the person with the most perspectives is the most compassionate person. And so, if you can, if you, a person with only one perspective is a very limited and view because you're only seeing things from one site. And so when someone says. 00:24:56.000 --> 00:25:14.000 Hey? I want to experience this celebration, or, you know, because we don't just do live in person events. We also do online healings, as you know, Monday nights every Monday night we're on. We're healing, we're connecting, and I think it's just as powerful as the in person work, too. But one of the things that we're doing is we're getting you connected. And so. 00:25:14.000 --> 00:25:21.000 When we talk about what was the biggest moment of my transformation of my life, it was actually connecting. 00:25:21.000 --> 00:25:25.000 To my body and to myself, and to what I wanted. 00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:35.000 For my life, and I literally felt like, where had I been? I'd been lost in my pain, lost in my illusion and lost in thought, and if you want to suffer. 00:25:35.000 --> 00:25:43.000 All suffering is the result of self-centric thinking. And so, if you want to get out of the quickest way to get out of suffering is to question your thoughts. 00:25:43.000 --> 00:25:51.000 Okay, because too many people stay lost in the mind. They overthink they do these things. And so you got to drop about 10 inches from your head to your heart. 00:25:51.000 --> 00:26:06.000 And then, when you go into the heart, that's where the truestration can come from. Your heart has secrets to share with you, and once you start getting connected into the heart, you'll see there's been walls and barriers that have isolated you from the world. 00:26:06.000 --> 00:26:10.000 And from what's possible for you, they did this study where. 00:26:10.000 --> 00:26:17.000 Fleas. They've put fleas in a jar, and they put the lid on, and the fleas hit their head on the lid, which hurt. 00:26:17.000 --> 00:26:24.000 And then they took off the lid, and the fleas never jumped out because they didn't want to hit their head, so they would only jump as high. 00:26:24.000 --> 00:26:25.000 There! 00:26:25.000 --> 00:26:27.000 And then those same fleas had babies. 00:26:27.000 --> 00:26:48.000 And those fleas would not jump out. It didn't matter if the lid was off, even though they could jump way higher, they would never jump that high because they knew their limits. So everyone listening to this has limits that have been set by your culture, by your parents, by our generation, and you know our our previous generations. And so now we have a chance to say, wait a second. What is possible. 00:26:48.000 --> 00:26:56.000 For me and my finances. What is possible for me in my healing journey? What's possible for me in my relationship and my life. 00:26:56.000 --> 00:27:00.000 If I step outside for a second, and I could just take a look. 00:27:00.000 --> 00:27:03.000 What's really going on here? What's really happening. 00:27:03.000 --> 00:27:19.000 And what's the the biggest thing you can? This gets you 50 of the way there. What do you want? Get clear on it? Because too many people are stuck over and over and over again. I'm not saying it's wrong to do that. In fact, it's a very important part of the process, because, as you feel. 00:27:19.000 --> 00:27:29.000 More safe in your body and more resourced. 00:27:29.000 --> 00:27:30.000 Your body. 00:27:30.000 --> 00:27:33.000 That stuff is going to come up and so, because you might not remember the trauma, but your body does, and so the safer that you feel the more resource you feel. Your brain is. The. 00:27:33.000 --> 00:27:42.000 Most amazing computer in the world. It will literally create situations outside of you to bring that trauma to the surface, so you can feel and experience it. 00:27:42.000 --> 00:27:43.000 Unless. 00:27:43.000 --> 00:27:54.000 You start to do it by yourself, or with a healer or a coach, but our ability to be able to say, No, I'm going to transform this energy as a matter of will. 00:27:54.000 --> 00:28:11.000 Because you can go willingly, or you know God will take you kicking and screaming, or universe, or whatever you say, will turn up the heat, and you're out of reality. Because that's how loved you are. So I hear sometimes people say, Why is this happening to me? Why is this going. Well, what could this be teaching you. 00:28:11.000 --> 00:28:13.000 We're in Earth school right now. 00:28:13.000 --> 00:28:27.000 So how is that situation with your sister? You're judging her, and how she's showing up? If she only did this or you're you're judging her husband how he's showing up. These are just preferences and preferences. 00:28:27.000 --> 00:28:51.000 And so, if you can kind of get rid of the way you believe, or think life should be. All of a sudden you are allowing others to be them. But then something magical happens. Now you're authenticity comes through. And you say, you know what I want to start a, podcast you know what? I'm gonna write a book. You know what? I want to start to help people. You know what I'm gonna use my voice. I'm gonna share this. This doesn't mean that I'm shameful or not enough. And and and literally miracles start to happen. 00:28:51.000 --> 00:29:13.000 Your life synchronicity. So when I went to India to study meditation, and one of the things they teach you is that when you're in a certain state of consciousness. 00:29:13.000 --> 00:29:15.000 Yeah. 00:29:15.000 --> 00:29:31.000 Right after the celebration we did. And I was like man. I want to be on some podcasts. 00:29:31.000 --> 00:29:32.000 Yeah. 00:29:32.000 --> 00:29:35.000 I literally meant 2 of the top Podcasters in the world, the Ovon and Chris Williamsson. Literally. Within 30 min I met the 2 top Podcasters in the world. And then I started thinking, Man, I really want to create a product. I can put on Facebook. 00:29:35.000 --> 00:29:39.000 Right. Next to me on the plane is Damon, one of the sharks. 00:29:39.000 --> 00:29:50.000 So I'm I'm sharing this, because when you get into the state where you're connected, it's just like you think strawberry ice cream. And all of a sudden someone's at your door like I just happen to have this extra strawberry. 00:29:50.000 --> 00:29:56.000 And it seems impossible. But I am a living proof. I used to be the most. 00:29:56.000 --> 00:30:06.000 Person on the planet. But now I'm the most I'd like to think for me. I'm the most reverent. My skepticism turn to reverence. 00:30:06.000 --> 00:30:07.000 Yeah. 00:30:07.000 --> 00:30:08.000 Once I started to let it in. 00:30:08.000 --> 00:30:15.000 Let the love in this trying to find you let life in because I don't think life happens to you. I don't even think life happens for you. 00:30:15.000 --> 00:30:19.000 Life happens through you, and then you happen to life. 00:30:19.000 --> 00:30:23.000 Absolutely yes through. First, st they say, Yeah. 00:30:23.000 --> 00:30:37.000 To me for me by me through me is the way I've learned it. And I think I've actually experienced it like that where I'm I'm moving like through me now. I'm taking all of the things I've learned in last 56 years of life. 00:30:37.000 --> 00:30:39.000 And helping. 00:30:39.000 --> 00:30:42.000 Others. You know I I see. 00:30:42.000 --> 00:30:51.000 A need out there to release the secrets, and I love the fact that you said that there's secrets in your heart. Your heart has secrets it wants to share with you. 00:30:51.000 --> 00:30:53.000 And let those secrets be the. 00:30:53.000 --> 00:30:58.000 Overrule the ones that your head is keeping. 00:30:58.000 --> 00:31:02.000 You know the head telling us you know this, this and this. 00:31:02.000 --> 00:31:13.000 But drop into your heart long enough so that you can hear what your soul is whispering to you, and what it really wants for you, and what is really possible. 00:31:13.000 --> 00:31:16.000 Cause it. It is a beautiful world. 00:31:16.000 --> 00:31:24.000 When you, when you make a choice, make a choice to look around and see the beauty in the wonderment of everything, from a. 00:31:24.000 --> 00:31:45.000 I'm a laughing baby to the beauty of a flower, to the smell of cut grass, to you know the sound of the ocean waves, you know, whatever it is that you're blessed to be surrounded by. Maybe it's the, you know. Maybe it's tall skyscrapers, you see, every day. But, gee! Somebody built those and marvel at. You know the ingenuity that it took to build those things. And 00:31:45.000 --> 00:31:54.000 Yeah. And I. So I love that you shared that can you just tell the audience, how they can find you? 00:31:54.000 --> 00:31:55.000 Sure. 00:31:55.000 --> 00:31:56.000 What's the best way to connect. 00:31:56.000 --> 00:31:57.000 Late. 00:31:57.000 --> 00:32:03.000 One. I want to see how grateful I am for you bringing me on here, and how amazing I think that you are. 00:32:03.000 --> 00:32:14.000 I don't go on to every podcast. Or show I'm invited to. But I came on to use because I think you're a Total Rock Star, and I love to see it impacting and loving the world and the way that you love it. 00:32:14.000 --> 00:32:15.000 Second. 00:32:15.000 --> 00:32:25.000 You guys can reach out to me. I sent a link to you. I'm actually doing something special for your listeners where I'll get on the phone for free for 15 min. 00:32:25.000 --> 00:32:55.000 If they want to do an introduction call, and I'll kind of show you point on how they can connect and how they can move forward with their healing journey. And then the second thing I'd love to say is the best thing to regulate a nervous system, or to, you know, get connected with the secrets of your hard, and it doesn't even have to be painful secrets. It could just be like the joy of. 00:33:05.000 --> 00:33:06.000 Yeah. 00:33:06.000 --> 00:33:11.000 Allowing. Okay, I have this dream within me that I'm afraid to admit that could be a secret. I want this. I secretly wants this, and not judging your emotions, because at times jealousy, we can think jealousy is wrong. Well, jealousy points the way to what you're wanting at times. So you know, I remember 1st seeing a speaker on stage, and I was like, I want that. I'm jealous of that. And that pointed the way for me. So if we stop judging our emotions, and we just see. 00:33:11.000 --> 00:33:20.000 Emotions is like the most delicious from God or source. It can really change us. But the biggest thing is like that slowing down. 00:33:20.000 --> 00:33:22.000 Slow down! Enough! 00:33:22.000 --> 00:33:23.000 To hear. 00:33:23.000 --> 00:33:35.000 The whispers of your. 00:33:35.000 --> 00:33:36.000 Hmm. 00:33:36.000 --> 00:33:42.000 And that's where meditation and meditation guided meditation, or just even listening to a powerful podcast that's doing so much more than using words to connect with you, which is literally like our hearts, reaching out to you and hopefully touching all the listeners and all the people watching this as well. 00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:44.000 I took out my confirmation goose. So. 00:33:44.000 --> 00:33:49.000 Yay, there you go. Thank you so much for having me on. 00:33:49.000 --> 00:33:57.000 Thank you so much. Carolyn and I will be putting in the show notes how you can find and. 00:33:57.000 --> 00:34:08.000 Thank you all for listening today, and keep in touch with the next episode of the secret keepers.


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From Comfort to Empowerment: Yayoi Komiyama on Rebuilding a Healthy Relationship with Food and Self