How it all began: Guest Co-founder of Rise Leadership Circle, Lisa Liimatta


Episode Summary

In this episode of "The Secret Keepers," I had an awesome chat with Lisa Liimitta, co-founder of Rise Leadership Circle. We got into the core of my mission: healing by addressing the impact of secrets and generational trauma. Lisa and I go way back, and it's amazing how our lives and families have intertwined over the years.

Lisa was super excited about my new podcast and highlighted how important it is to share and bring secrets to light for healing. I shared how the idea for the podcast came from watching Downton Abbey and reflecting on my own experiences with childhood trauma and family secrets.

We talked about how carrying secrets can mess with you physically and emotionally, and how important it is to share your story in a safe space. Lisa explained the benefits of working with trauma-informed therapists and life coaches. Therapy helps with past issues, while life coaching focuses on the future. We encouraged listeners to find healing methods that resonate with them and to get the right support to break the cycle of trauma and secrecy.

Lisa also shared how you can connect with her and the work she's doing at Rise Leadership Circle. We ended the episode with lots of love and support for each other, reinforcing the podcast’s mission of healing and empowerment through sharing stories and building community.

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Podcast. And today my guest is Lisa Liimitta, and she is one of the co-founders of Rise Leadership Circle 00:00:17 Thanks for coming today, Lisa. I'm so happy to have you here. 00:00:22 Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here. This is this feels celebratory for me in so many ways to be witnessing you kicking off this 00:00:35 podcast because I think 00:00:38 you have such a gorgeous mission, such a healing mission that needs to get out into the world. 00:00:44 Thank you for that. And I just would love for you to tell the audience, 00:00:51 yeah, how how it is that this came about, and how it is that 00:00:56 that you know me. 00:00:59 Well, that's fun. Okay, so it's so I mean. 00:01:04 you and I met how many years ago a zillion years ago, we were probably both in our thirties. I'm gonna say, when we met, and we're a little bit older than that now, can we keep our age a secret? Is that? No, I'm just kidding. But we did meet so many years ago, and I feel like we've had this beautiful friendship that then aligned with our daughters, becoming 00:01:29 super close friends, and just like I love the way that this journey has connected us, for I don't. I mean 00:01:38 2015. I don't know how long it's been a long time. Right? Yeah. So 00:01:48 you know, I feel like this, probably, is your story to tell more than mine. But the reason that I was so excited to be here for you today is that I remember us talking about this podcast coming to light last year, and 00:02:03 as we were just kind of like talking back and forth about your mission and your why and like what feels so important to you about helping people heal right from the secret set, we keep. And I remember hearing this idea for the podcast and the way that you described it, which I hope you'll describe. Kind of your your idea and your inspiration. For this, you were just lit up so on fire. And it was such a full yes, in my body, because I feel like for people that tune into this. 00:02:32 It's gonna be such a healing and freeing journey to 00:02:37 to hear the stories that you'll be sharing. 00:02:39 Yeah, it was so fun. So I was with Lisa and we were doing a a weekend retreat. Lisa is one of my business coaches. 00:02:51 and we were yeah, just talking about my passion for wanting to raise awareness around adverse childhood experiences and generational trauma in healing, and it had come from my husband and I were watching the TV. Show series, Downton Abbey, and it was this awareness that the matriarch of the family kept all the secrets, and she was keeping 00:03:18 just the stuff that she was keeping. It wasn't really hers to keep, but in order to save face for the the family name, right? Heaven forbid! You don't want to tarnish the family name. 00:03:30 You know people were expected to. 00:03:34 you know, hide pregnancies and keep, you know, a fair secret. And in this 00:03:39 matriarch of the family kept this burden, and it just it got me thinking about all of the things that we as women or as human beings, experience in our life that we carry deep inside of us and bury essentially, because there's shame around it. You know I can hear the shame on you or the 00:04:01 the guilt that you know we're to experience, and 00:04:06 I was like, no, this is so bad. This is. This is wreaking havoc on us, and 00:04:13 not not just 00:04:15 not just in us in a mental, emotional way, but it's wreaking havoc on us physically. It's wreaking havoc on us spiritually, because now we're you know, we believe that there's something wrong with us instead of. 00:04:31 Maybe we did something wrong, but the the 00:04:35 tone behind it is that I am wrong. There's something 00:04:38 you know, wrong with me as a human. So thank you for bring helping me bring this to life, because it is just a passion for me. Yeah, I'm so excited about it, you know. I think 00:04:52 When we when we carry these secrets right, we literally physically carry them in our bodies. And 00:04:58 and, like you said, shame goes along with it right when there's something we feel we can't speak about, or we can't tell, because we feel guilty, or we feel shameful about it. All of that lives 00:05:10 within our physical body, and manifesting disease and emotional and mental unwellness can come from it. And you know so many things that you and I, both, you know, work with people as life coaches, and on a daily basis, where we know how healing it is to actually be able to share our stories, to share what's within us to be witnessed by another person. And so I think that 00:05:39 this is such a beautiful step, and also kind of a testimony to where we're headed as a as a world. Now that we're able to be able to have these conversations. And I think it's going to be so freeing for a lot of people. 00:05:52 Yeah, absolutely. I you know what I was thinking about as you were talking is how the energy gets trapped in our bodies. Because. 00:06:01 you know. Now, you know, this trauma occurred, and every time I relive the trauma within my body it's trapping that energy even deeper within. And then 00:06:13 there are things that we can do to help release it. And one of it is, bring that secret to light. So that I'm not saying, you got to get on this podcast and you got to broadcast to the world all of your deep, dark secrets that is not the point of this, and everything you know on this podcast is this is our opinion, and should never. 00:06:36 it should never replace. You know, medical advice. 00:06:40 that sort of thing. But 00:06:42 what we're looking for is to to help you raise your awareness 00:06:47 so that you can then 00:06:50 take responsibility for your own life and make some different choices. 00:06:54 I I don't know. Like. 00:06:57 as far as for me, you know, growing up, I grew up in a home where 00:07:01 there could be at any moment time violence could break out. 00:07:06 and I learned to really be a good hider. 00:07:09 And so, as the secret keeper for me, I was. I was a hider. I hid, and I kept myself 00:07:15 safe. 00:07:17 and we didn't talk about the things that happened within our home because we were. We were really taught that you know what happens here stays here in this house. 00:07:25 and 00:07:27 that just taught me that, you know I I couldn't share that with anybody. 00:07:32 cause if I did. That made me bad that made me really wrong. I don't know if you've ever experienced anything like that yourself, and I think also, you know, it's sharing with the right people, because certainly, if you're sharing your story with the wrong person at the wrong time. 00:07:52 it could be detrimental, right? So a lot of times like we don't share things because it it literally, physically or emotionally, is unsafe for us to share. And I think that's like, you know, part of that is, knowing 00:08:05 when to share, having the right support, like allowing yourself to be supported into the healing process rather than walk on this journey alone, and so 00:08:16 and certainly back. Then, when you and I were around the same age when we were kids growing up, it wasn't the same world, you know. I think that in general, people didn't really talk about what was happening behind closed doors. And 00:08:30 you know, you kind of hear it all the time. And it definitely was the same within my family 00:08:35 generationally, and also within my family of origin. You know that I know I don't. I don't hold it against my parents, because I know that's the way they were raised, right like we don't. We don't air our dirty laundry, we don't, you know, share with people what actually happens. But 00:08:53 what I saw 00:08:55 with my parents is that there was nowhere to go with everything that they had to carry right. It was just like a heavy weight on 00:09:03 their shoulders. And 00:09:05 you know, within, with generationally for my parents, you know, there were things they grew up with around mental illness. There was suicide, there was tragic loss. There was poverty. 00:09:20 You know, on my dad's side of the family. At times hunger like so many things right that I they overcome. I'm so grateful that they did the work that they did to give me this life, and also 00:09:34 oh, it wasn't easy as a child, right? When you're growing, some of those patterns can get brought into, you know, current day. So 00:09:44 yeah, I I definitely can. I can remember my mom saying, we don't talk about that. We don't talk about that. 00:09:52 Knock it, knock it off it. 00:09:55 And you're correct in is, you know, like I I had teenage parents they were, they were so young when they had the 3 of us, and I look at them, and and I actually in awe, and think 00:10:07 how much they did overcome. 00:10:10 so that we could have the life that we have. 00:10:13 and essentially so that I could be here today talking about 00:10:18 the things. You know all the things, talking about the secrets, bringing them to light, sharing with the audience the education that 00:10:26 you know has brought me to this point where I can openly and comfortably say, You know I I love my life. 00:10:34 It this is. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful place to be, and so I'm grateful for for them and the gifts that they brought into my life. 00:10:45 in right going back into the the time period 00:10:50 that they were being raised in right. And so every generation gets to decide for their family like this. Stuff doesn't work for us. 00:11:01 Let's try something different. 00:11:04 We don't have to hang on to those old belief systems if they no longer 00:11:10 are serving us, and we can see that we can see that there's better information coming in and let's take that and apply that into our current families. And I did see that with, you know, with my own family, it was. 00:11:27 you know we substance abuse, and in trauma. And when you talk about there not being access to things, you know, like, you know, the women weren't allowed to even have their own credit card. So the seventies 00:11:41 Men weren't allowed to talk about their feelings that made them look weak. 00:11:46 But now we're we're moving into a a generation where you know these things are no longer. They're no longer facts. 00:11:55 They're not the facts of our lives anymore. We don't have to take them with us. So 00:12:00 I understand, yeah, yeah. And I think you bring up an important point, too, about. 00:12:07 you know, each each generation like we do inherit some of the 00:12:15 the 00:12:16 challenges and the difficulties. You know, maybe, that the generation before us went through. But I think it's as more and more 00:12:26 skills become available as there's more and more conversation about healing. You know, we have tools today that our parents didn't have access to. And I think it is our responsibility to choose to break the cycle, to choose to have it be different for the next generation. And I mean, that's evolution right over a lifetime. That's the way it's 00:12:49 it's meant to be. And like our our kids will have their own set of stuff that they'll probably be breaking the cycle on. And you know, I I 00:12:59 I think it's just sort of this normal evolutionary process. But I do think. 00:13:03 probably because of the access we have to the Internet, like the tools we have, are so much greater today than what our parents could ever imagine accessing. 00:13:12 I agree, I I agree, 100. We definitely have better information. And even when my mom was alive 00:13:20 she would say to me, things like, you know, you're a way better, mom, than I ever was, and I'm like, no, she's like, well, you're always learning and and studying, and you know I have that 00:13:35 I have that gift right? I have that ability to to have the access to the resources. And you know, my mom. 00:13:43 you know, she was working and she worked really hard. And she took really good care of us. And so when I look at her, I'm like, Oh, you know, she was a really great mom. 00:13:53 But often 00:13:55 as moms, we can feel like we're not doing the best job right? Because we're holding ourselves to that very high standard. 00:14:03 you know, like it, it should be better it could be better. But I have taken the time to ask for forgiveness from my my, my children, from my husband, from anybody, that I may have harmed intentionally, unintentionally, that you know that that sort of thing do you have. 00:14:20 you know? Do you have something that you can recommend to the audience. You know, if there's something that you know they're struggling with, if they're seeing that jeez, you know, like this pattern is something I see in my, in my family lineage, you know. What do you recommend for people? 00:14:36 Hmm! 00:14:37 I think it's so personal, right. There are so many healing modalities that you can choose. I think that 00:14:43 you know, if you're if if you've had a trauma in your past and you are 00:14:49 seeing that that is actively affecting you today. I think some sort of trauma informed therapy or healing modality is really important that you want to work with someone who understands trauma and the effects of trauma to have that healing journey. I have a lot of clients who both work with a therapist and also with me as a life coach, because as a life coach, just to give people a bit of a distinction 00:15:17 where therapy you're often working on your past, you're working on those patterns, and it can be traumas, things that have happened that you want to overcome in life coaching. We're very forward focus, you know. We're not necessarily past focus. But we're looking at the what's next? What are you recreating now? Who are you becoming in the future? And so the 2 modalities can actually work really well together. 00:15:43 and you know there are so many things right. There's the work that you do, of course, which is so powerful. There's hands-on healing and energy work, somatic Yoga practice breath work. Now, I just I feel like for people. There's usually like something within you that resonates right? You hear of something you read something. And it's like 00:16:02 this is for me, like I need to check this out. And I I always recommend just following 00:16:07 whatever it is within you that you just feel kinda like, Hmm, there's something here for me. 00:16:12 Yeah, yeah, that's such a good point, too. Right? Is is listening to your inner voice. And it's saying, Oh, yeah, this this really resonates with me. 00:16:23 I did. That, you know, was, you know, like the 1st instinct was, you know. Buy this book and read it. 00:16:32 and then, you know, the next step rate is oh, geez 00:16:37 I really think I want somebody to walk this journey with me 00:16:41 and seeking out the life coach. I have been through therapy, and 00:16:48 and you're so correct in it, being such a beautiful blend in needing both aspects of it, and then you might get to that point where you know the life coach is really what you're looking at, because this portion of it feels complete. And I did get to that point. It was like, you know, I really 00:17:05 I I really want to look forward and see what does life have for me on the other side of this healing journey. So that was, that's such a good point, Lisa. Thank you for mentioning that. Yeah, absolutely. I think that. 00:17:20 you know, and and I think, too, is like, if you if you work with someone, whether it be a therapist to coach a healer of some sort, and it doesn't resonate for you. You do a session or 2, and you're like, I just don't really like this 00:17:32 shift. Find someone who you resonate with. I think sometimes people stay far too long. You know, in a professional relationship that actually isn't aligned or isn't what they're looking for. And so I always tell people like don't be afraid to to try, and if it's not in alignment. 00:17:47 you know, keep going until you find you know the right person that can support you. 00:17:53 I love that that there should be some sort of forward progress. You should feel 00:17:59 it should feel expansive and not restricting, and you know, contracting. You should feel like, yeah, this is, this is really making a difference. And if you're getting into it and it feels really crunchy. 00:18:13 get out? 00:18:14 Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. And you know, at the end of the day it's like, just start by sharing your story with someone that you trust, someone that you know can actually just hold that space for you, and 00:18:29 you know, just be able to actually hear you and see you and be in it with you. You know. I think that that's really important, too 00:18:38 right? And you know, they say that you become like the 5 people that you surround yourself with, and you know, surround yourself with people that you know are 00:18:46 rooting for you that want you to win. Lisa is one of those people who wants me to win, and I love that it has been supporting me and cheering me on. Lisa. Tell everybody how they can work with you. 00:19:01 so I'm the co-founder of Rise leadership circle. I lead it with my daughter Kayla Jetta. We have been in business together now for 6 years, and 00:19:12 you can connect with me on Facebook, just Lisa Lemita and Facebook, you can go to our website, right leadership circlecom 00:19:21 and check out all of the different programs and things we have to offer. 00:19:25 Beautiful, beautiful. Well, thank you so much for joining me today. I love having you here talking about 00:19:32 all the secrets right? All the secrets it could be from the family down to you and that there's 00:19:39 there is a light at the end of the tunnel for everybody 00:19:44 absolutely, absolutely. Thank you for having me on. This is so special to be your 1st guest, and you know I am going to continue to be cheering you on. Thank you. Thank you. I love you so much. I love you so much. Thank you.


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Divorce, Breast cancer, and how sharing her secret is helping others